As with the United States, here at ForecastWatch, we analyzed the reliability of weather forecasts and persistence in Europe.
The most reliable places for weather forecasts were in the United Kingdom and Ireland, southern Portugal, and small island locations in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea such as the Faroe Islands, Canary Islands, Rhodes, and other similar islands. Other reliable places included southwest Spain, northwest France, much of the Mediterranean coast, and the southwest coast of Norway. These are all locations that are on the west side of the continent or on small islands surrounded by water, where air masses coming from the west are greatly moderated, and thus don’t show the extremes of more inland locations.
Less reliable weather forecasts and daily variety of weather were generally seen in mountainous and northern locations, such as across the Alps, Carpathian, and Pyrenees, as well as most of Scandanavia. Northeast Sweden and northwest Finland saw the least reliable weather in all of Europe.
Which locations took the top and bottom spots? How did this vary by temperature and precipitation? For the full report on the best places to live in Europe if you need reliable weather forecasts, see here.